I have been providing Bible references for subjects that I refer to in my Youtube channel, The Bible K-12.
The following are for the video, 4th Grade Bible, 4A Part 1 (Creation):
1. An extensive list of references is found in another person's website: "The Gospel Way." It is found in their post on "Creation" under the title, "A List of Creation Scripture References."
2. Foundational passage for my video: Genesis 1-2:4.
3. The Lord's ownership of creation: Psalm 24:1
4. Humans as vice-regents of creation: Genesis 1:26 and 1:28
5. The beauty, power, and intricacy of creation: Psalm 8:1, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Job 12:7-10, Psalm 19:1, 139:14, 104
6. The Fall (Paradise Lost): Genesis 3:14-24
The following are references for 4th Grade Bible Part B1: God Talked to People:
1. Genesis 3:14-19--the serpent, Eve, Adam
2. Genesis 4:6ff--Cain
3. Genesis 6:13ff--Noah
4. Genesis 12:1-3--Abraham
5. Genesis 28:11-13--Jacob
6. Exodus 3:1-5--Moses
7. Judges 6:11ff--Gideon (it begins by referring to the "angel of the Lord," but then Gideon refers to him as "Lord")
8. I Samuel 3 (entire chapter)--Samuel
9. II Samuel 7:1-17--David through the prophet Nathan
10. Genesis 11--the Tower of Babel and the Lord's response (this was not a case of the Lord's speaking, but it does illustrate how the Lord responds to the actions of people)
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